Sunday, October 11, 2009

putting my pieces together

I'm experiencing a spot of trouble putting my pieces together
I have a bunch of things I wanted
They're loosely bound with Elmer's glue
and an idea about why that I can't recall

I used to be the captain
Now I could just use a day or four
to lay down before I search for the steering wheel

I think I'm going crazy
although I'm not sure I'd know if I were there already

I'd like to make a joke
but I'm almost certain it would be bitter and mean spirited
I wonder how I got this way
but the mirror won't tell me
I think happiness is mad at me though
I mean ... we're in touch
We're just not as close as we used to be

Don't take that to mean I'm sad
We hardly speak at all
I'm just experiencing a spot of trouble putting my pieces together